Review: GoPro Hero Session

When this camera was announced, I was pretty hyped until I saw the original retail price which was at over 500€! Towards the end of 2015 the price drastically dropped, and as a tech fan, I immediately heard about it. The price fell down to only 199€! I didn’t have to think long to go out and buy the camera for this seemingly inexpensive price.

General Product Information

It is an extremely light super small action cam which can record up to 1440p 30fps. In skateboarding, we want to have at least 60fps so 1080p (Full HD) will have to do the job. Right out of the box, the Hero (4) session is waterproof and doesn’t need a separate case. The Session has a new dual microphone system which is supposed to improve the sound quality a lot!

Build Quality

After approximately two years of constant usage, I can safely state, that this camera can take some hits. It dropped from greater heights onto concrete (“wearing” the included skeleton case) without any further damage. I conclude that this little camera is an enduring warrior regarding its durability.

Video Quality

The video quality is more than adequate for your regular YouTube video as well as for (semi-)professional use. The lowlight quality is outstanding, too! I regularly use it in 1080p mode, and it looks crisp bright, and the colors are true to life.



There is only one prominent button, yet this is all that you need. Just press it, and the camera turns on and starts videotaping. If you press it again, it will save what you just filmed, and it immediately shuts down to save battery, which (thanks to this feature) serves you notably long. Additionally, I’d recommend the app, in which you can immediately watch your clips and have a little preview on what the camera currently views.

In-Use Impression

Right as I unboxed the camera,  I found out that a remarkable amount of mounting clips is included!  If I were to compare their (GoPro Hero vs. Hero Session) weight-noticeability mounted onto the front of my helmet, I’d have to admit that the difference is like night and day. When I had the old GoPro Hero on my helmet, I felt its mass. It wasn’t disturbing my driving experience, but you felt the weight. The Hero Session, on the other hand, seems like I don’t have anything on my helmet. I only feel it, when I first put it on, but if I didn’t know that there was an HD camera on my head, I wouldn’t really notice it. The dual mic system does a great job as well, it provides an excellent sound quality!


If you look for a camera which doesn’t cost you more than 200 bucks, then it is the right one for you! It might be the best camera you could get for that small price tag! It is easy to use, communicates great with the GoPro app for your smartphone and is just an overall great product, for skateboarding.


Want to buy it? Click here: GoPro HERO Session 

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